How Telefonica Leveraged Technology To Drive
Global Process Alignment And Optimized 4PL Operations

Global Coverage
Spain (HQ)
Latin America Countries
Across Europe
Deployment Speed
5 months
Full Suite, End-to-End Digital
Freight Management Solution
Core Features
Real-Time Visibility
Workflow Orchestration
Partner Integration
Dynamic Contract Rate Management
Digital Freight Audit & Smart Analytics
Telefónica is a multinational telecommunications company with its headquarters in Madrid. Founded in 1924, it is one of the largest telecommunications companies in the world, with operations in Europe, Asia and Latin America.
Due to disparate and manual freight management processes across all inbound entities, Telefónica gets fragmented data and inadequate oversight of their shipments and orders. This challenge is accentuated across the thousands of shipments that make up Telefónica’s core business – hampering efficiencies and preventing reliable delivery timings to be committed to customers.
This supply chain complexity used to be (somewhat) mitigated by outsourcing freight management operations to a 4PL to perform the various manual activities on behalf even though the process is resource-intensive, highly prone to errors, and lacks resilience.
Telefónica identified significant potential benefits in transforming their freight management processes, as it will greatly enhance corporate oversight and governance. To achieve this, they wanted to put in place a digital control tower that would ensure global freight management process alignment, optimisation and automation.
Telefonica’s ambitions were to leverage technology to support their objectives to:

a. Process map and align workflows across all Global Telefonica units

b. Reinforce this Control Tower with Digitalized capabilities

c. Master digital freight management in order to eventually insource 4PL operations.

The Telefónica-Tramés team came together to centre the transformation methodology on digitalizing current Processes through Technology, and hand-holding People throughout the change management process. An iterative approach was adopted to develop a digital twin of all standard operating procedures between key stakeholders, including freight operations, 4PLs, purchasers, customs agents, forwarders and accounts payables teams. These digitised processes were then further streamlined and improved using automation tools on the Tramés platform.
Tramés full suite of solutions was leveraged to accomplish the project’s goals and objectives.
The ease of expanding geographical coverage and the scalability of the solution supported an expedient growth of Telefonica’s Digital Freight EcoSystem globally.

Global process mapping and alignment across all Telefónica units

  • Business Process Mapping

  • Shipment Data Validation
  • Pre-Booking
  • Shipment Booking
  • Document Approval
  • Invoicing
  • Exception Management

  • Spend Management

  • Contract Rate Refresh
  • Spot Quotation Process
  • Invoice Reconciliation


Reinforcing the control tower with digitalised capabilities

  • Business Process Mapping
  • Comex (Inbound Countries)
  • Control Tower
  • Purchasing Team
  • Forwarders

Technology & Data

Fuel the evaluation process to optimise and potentially insource 4PL operations

  • Order-Line Data (ERP)
  • Forwarder Inputs
  • Satellite Vessel Tracking
  • Carrier Container Events
  • Alerts & Analytics

Tramés has helped us to map, align and simplify freight management processes across all our Inbound entities. End-to-End Freight Management is now so much easier with technology. Most Importantly, logistics resilience and process governance have significantly improved.
Real-time visibility capabilities feed the Digital Freight EcoSystem, reinforced with Inter-Connected Partners and Orchestrated Workflows. In Logistics, we manage by exception, and now with Tramés – this takes place digitally and proactively so that relevant teams can take the appropriate mitigating actions.
We look forward to continuing the partnership with Tramés to improve the coverage and strengthen the capability of Telefonica’s Digital Freight EcoSystem.
Gerardo Figuerola Tamayo
Global Head of Logistics

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About Tramés

Tramés is a comprehensive logistics management solution designed to give shippers complete control and visibility over their freight transport operations. Our agnostic platform digitises and streamlines logistics processes by integrating fragmented data, legacy systems, and a diverse network of partners for a highly efficient supply chain.

As a cloud-based platform available globally, Tramés enables 24/7 digital collaboration across an unlimited number of users, companies, and geographies. With advanced features such as visibility, automated spend management, and workflow orchestration, shippers are equipped with in-depth shipment insights to optimise their supply chains with confidence. Book a demo to learn more.